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Dove Sustainability Rating Report - Soap | Skincare - US 2023



Understanding sustainability performance for Dove
This sample report presents information about how consumers perceive the sustainability performance of Dove. It demonstrates the company's level of social and environmental responsibility from the perspective of US consumers.

Through this report, readers can determine whether Dove is at risk of losing customers or not fully utilizing opportunities to drive growth through ESG actions.

The report utilizes the Social Responsibility Score™ metric to evaluate the standing of Dove within Soap | Skincare and compare its performance to other brands.

The Social Responsibility Score measures environmental, social, and governance perceptions using a single score metric that can be applied to different stakeholders such as consumers, customers, and employees.

The report contains data for the following brands
Focus - Dove
Reference - Irish Spring, Johnson's, Kiehl's, Nivea, Olay, Softsoap

Key insights from the report
The report addresses several questions, including:
- How does the sustainability performance of Dove compare to its competitors?
- How effectively is Dove communicating its ESG efforts?
- Which consumer groups are supporters and which are detractors? (Data is categorized by gender, household income, age, and family type)
- Do perceptions of buyers differ from those who are not buyers?

CEOs, insights professionals, sustainability specialists, and marketers in consumer-facing brands, as well as business consultants, ESG advisors, and marketing agencies, can use this data to further the sustainability agenda.

Full unredacted report
Full SRS Snapshot reports, which include detailed time series information, custom brand selection and brand funnel metrics are available here srsmetric.com.

Research notes

The data in this report is captured as part of ongoing Social Responsibility Score (SRS) measurement and was based on a total sample of over 11,000 US adults surveyed between Apr 23 - Jun 23

Published by...

The SRS Metric: Simplifying Sustainability Measurement

This is where sustainability data captured using the SRS metric is published.

About SRS:
Achieving sustainability goals can be tough, especially when progress tracking is inconsistent. However, the SRS metric offers a solution by providing a universal perception metric. This can be used both within and across businesses to accurately measure the ROI of sustainability.

While corporate ESG ratings capture a business's actions and intentions, the Social Responsibility Score TM (SRS) measures the human response to those efforts. SRS is a straightforward and consistent metric that assesses how consumers, customers, employees, or investors perceive a brand's performance in environmental, social, and governance areas. It enables benchmarking across different brands, categories, markets, and time periods and has been proven to align with business outcomes.